What a summer it's been! We've had events, day trips and even residentials all across…

A Message from Outgoing SHASBAH Chair, Brian Rawson
The following is a statement from Brian Rawson, SHASBAH Chair (2022-23), given at our Annual General Meeting in October:
“Again it has been another busy and exciting time where a lot of interesting events have happened over the last year, in fact there have been too many to mention.
I would like to say a big thank you to all the staff and volunteers who have made all these wonderful events happen while keeping the charity running. It is amazing that so much can happen with such a small dedicated team and it makes a massive difference to people living with Spina Bifida and hydrocephalus.
Even more amazing things are going to happen in 2024 as SHASBAH enters into its 60th year of operation. What a wonderful achievement for our charity so please keep up with social media and our newsletter for updates. It is with sadness that due to personal issues I have decided to take a step back from SHASBAH as chairman and a trustee. Although I would like to remain a member of this wonderful charity.
All that is left for me to do is to wish my successor all the best in their role for the future.”
We’re really going to miss having Brian on the SHASBAH board. He always had lots to contribute and, as someone who has Spina Bifida and hydrocephalus, he was great at speaking up on behalf of our members. Thank you so much for your work and dedication to our community. We wish you all the best.

We’re also saying a fond farewell to trustees Mostafa Haydar, Helen Butler and Tim Smith. Thank you very much for the time and energy you’ve put into helping our charity run, adapt and grow.
We are very grateful to be welcoming back Michelle Goddard as SHASBAH Chair. Michelle served as Chair from 2004-2021, so she definitely knows the ropes. Thank you, Michelle, for stepping up again and ensuring a smooth transition of our charity’s leadership. View the full SHASBAH team here.