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07752 665411

First Aid for Children Training Course

Bethany School Finlay Street, Sheffield, United Kingdom

SHASBAH is hosting a FREE paediatric first aid course in Sheffield for our members and staff. This will be an intensive and very informative two-day course, specialising in young children and babies. The training will be led by an instructor from Ecclesall First Aid Training, a fully accredited centre. Everyone who participates will gain a…


NWY ASBAH Conference

Hollins Hall Hotel Hollins Hill, Shipley, United Kingdom

SHASBAH members and friends are invited to a special conference, organised by our friends at North & West Yorkshire ASBAH. The day will be a great opportunity to meet people with spina bifida and hydrocephalus from across Yorkshire. There will also be helpful workshops on the topics of: PIP and DLA forms Education support Continence…

Transition Coffee Morning

Burton Street Foundation 57 Burton Street, Sheffield

Worried about the transition to Secondary School for your child? Confused about how to navigate the education system when your child has additional needs? We hear you! We're holding a Coffee Morning with SHASBAH trustee, Jan Tippett. Jan is a former National Education Officer for Shine and has also worked as a teacher and a…

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