Spina bifida comes with a risk of developing pressure ulcers, also called pressure sores. In…

5 Accessible Things to do in February
Here’s our selection of things to do this month. We hope there’s something for all weather, ages, abilities and interests. One positive thing to come out of lockdown is the number of resources now available at the click of a button, so let’s make the most of them!
1. Plant some seeds
It’s nearly spring! There’s nothing quite like the joy of seeing a little seedling poking its head up after you’ve looked after it for a week or two. So rewarding. You can buy seeds online from Amazon and there’s a guide to the best ones to sow in February here.
2. Watch a musical from home
Sometimes it feels like you’ve watched all of the TV programmes that have ever been made. If that’s the case, why not rent a musical for the evening and enjoy something a little different. A great selection of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musicals are available to rent here, including Cats, Joseph and The Sound of Music. Fun for all the family!
3. Create your own jigsaw
Need something to focus on for a distraction from the news? Why not try an online jigsaw puzzle? You can choose a puzzle from around the world, or upload your own photo to create a personal one.
4. Go to a Sheffield Library event
Sheffield Libraries are putting on a great selection of events to keep us going through lockdown, from poetry readings to writing workshops to reading groups, they are also a great way to connect with like-minded people in the area. Find the full list here.
5. Learn about a famous artist
The Tate have some brilliant resources for all ages. If you have creative children, love getting crafty, or you’ve always been curious about art but not known where to start, there’s never been an easier way to learn!