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Making A Difference: Socialising During Lockdown

This is the first post in a new series, called Making A Difference. We’ll be sharing a few stories about how we’ve been able to help and support our charity members recently.

Let’s introduce you to a member, who we’ll call A2. A2 lives in a local supported housing scheme which SHASBAH helped to establish in the 90s. There are 9 bedsit flats in the scheme, with a mix of adults who have a range of conditions, from spina bifida to hydrocephalus to cerebal palsy.

Like many of us, A2 has had it pretty hard in lockdown. He has care support 4 times a day and has been on bed rest since the beginning of the year. A2’s parents are in their early 80s, so he was unable to see them for around 14 weeks. The main points of contact for A2 are the socially distancing staff and the agency care team in PPE. Thankfully, the supported housing scheme have so far avoided Covid-19 infection.

To support him and other members during lockdown, SHASBAH have been doing weekly phone calls to chat and check in. As well as the calls, we’ve been arranging Zoom meetings, playing games, sending newsletters, delivering wellbeing packs and organising activities all remotely.

“Sheffield ASBAH has been absolutely invaluable. They can be a nice sounding-board and the charity helps me as an individual when I ask. The zoom chats have helped to keep things fresh and I’ve enjoyed seeing the team and getting to know them face-to-face so to speak. I am very happy with the whole charity, I always get the right responses. It does exactly what I need.”

A2, 2nd June 2020

Beth is our Communications Coordinator. She started working for SHASBAH in September 2020. Beth writes blog posts and newsletters, updates social media, sends out birthday cards and more. She loves being able to use her creative side for a really worthwhile cause. Outside of work, she enjoys gardening, cooking and going for walks with friends.

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